New Developments with Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

Hubert Brückl, Andy Thomas, Jörg Schotter, Jan Bornemeier, Günter Reiss

Publikation: Konferenzband/Beitrag in Buch/BerichtKapitel


Besides sensors, magnetic random access memory (MRAM) and hard disk read heads, much more possible applications are still ahead for the new magnetoelectronic effects of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs), e.g. in logic or biochips. While the technology has improved within the recent years, the reliable fabrication of MTJs with magnetoresistance ratios of up to 50% at room temperature made it possible to extend the efforts towards new developments. Thus, MTJs with two or more barriers in the film stack provide both the realization of new devices like multivalent logic and the improvement of the bias stability and magnetoresistance ratio at larger voltages. The influence of ballistic effects, resonant states and spin accumulation are experimentally investigated and estimated by numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation for double barrier systems. Besides new applications in logic devices, MTJs are promising sensors for magnetoresistive biochips, which are capable to detect even single molecules like DNA by functionalized magnetic markers. The principle and design of magnetoresistive biochips are presented, and their performance compared to the established fluorescent method.
TitelAdvances in Solid State Physics
ISBN (elektronisch)1617-5034
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 29 Juli 2003
Extern publiziertJa


NameAdvances in Solid State Physics
ISSN (Print)1438-4329
ISSN (elektronisch)1617-5034


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