Characterisation setup of SAW devices at high temperatures and ultra high frequencies

Jochen Bardong, Gudrun Bruckner, Georg Franz, Rene Fachberger, Artur Erlacher

Publikation: Konferenzband/Beitrag in Buch/BerichtKonferenzartikelBegutachtung


A HT stable measurement setup for SAW devices operating at UHF has been developed. It is based on a ceramic chip carrier clamped on a metal ground plate that can be inserted into a tube oven and interrogated via coaxial cables. All interconnections except for the SAW device itself are clamped with metallic springs. Thus, the chip carrier can easily be inserted and removed from the measurement setup. The selected geometry and materials allow a simultaneous operation up to frequencies of 3.5 GHz and temperatures of 1000degC. To introduce the coaxial cables into the quartz glass tube, a vacuum tight feed through is used. So, influences of different atmospheres like laboratory air, inert gases or vacuum on the behavior of the SAW devices can be studied. Four similar test units can be inserted into the tube allowing in-situ measurements of up to four two port devices. The design aspects of the setup and first measurements of SAW test devices on langasite are presented.
Titel2009 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Joint with the 22nd European Frequency and Time forum
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 24 Apr. 2009
Extern publiziertJa
Veranstaltung2009 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Joint with the 22nd European Frequency and Time forum - Besancon, France
Dauer: 20 Apr. 200924 Apr. 2009


Konferenz2009 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Joint with the 22nd European Frequency and Time forum


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