Material Parameter Extraction for Complex AlScN Thin Film Using Dual Mode Resonators in Combination with Advanced Microstructural Analysis and Finite Element Modeling

Fazel Parsapour, Vladimir Pashchenko, Nicolas Kurz, Cosmin Silviu Sandu, Thomas LaGrange, Kaoru Yamashita, Vadim Lebedev, Paul Muralt

    Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


    Accurate property determination of the piezoelectric thin film material
    Al(1−x)Sc(x)N is necessary for designing the next generation of radio
    frequency resonators in mobile communication, and for testing results
    of ab initio calculations. Sound velocity and piezoelectric coupling of
    both longitudinal and shear mode are evaluated from a single dual mode
    resonator. This assures a compatible set of coefficients. It is observed that
    AlScN thin films grew differently on small, isolated bottom electrodes.
    The investigated film starts growing with a slightly tilted, c-textured
    microstructure, and switches after 200 nm to a polycrystalline film with
    irregularly oriented grains having c-axis tilt angles in the range of 35°–70°,
    as revealed by transmission electron microscope nanodiffraction mapping.
    Based on this information, a finite element model (FEM) is constructed
    that properly reproduces the resonance behavior of the resonator. The
    relevant elastic and piezoelectric constants are derived by curve fitting and
    yield somewhat lower stiffness and higher piezoelectric coefficients than
    ab initio calculations published in the literature. The FEM modeling results
    show that the upper film part with the abnormally oriented grains is overall
    piezoelectric, i.e., the misoriented grains maintain the polarity projected onto
    the growth direction from the starting layer.
    Seiten (von - bis)1-9
    FachzeitschriftAdvanced Elecronic Materials
    PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 13 März 2019


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