Rudolf Heer

DI Dr. Rudolf Heer

Personal profile

Research interests

Dr. Rudolf Heer is leading the research unit Electronic Sensors at Silicon Austria Lab GmbH – SAL in Graz, Austria. He is expert for the design and fabrication of read out electronics and signal processing units for nano scale devices and sensors.

He graduated in electrical engineering at the Vienna University of Technology in 1996. During his diploma thesis he deepened his knowledge in laser physics. His doctorate study focused on low temperature semiconductor physics. He was engaged as a lecturer as well. After the conferral of doctorate in 2000 he joined EPCOS OHG in Munich and was responsible for the integration of radiofrequency front end modules for cell phones. In 2002 he moved to Applied International Informatics AG in Vienna and focused on sizing and performance tuning of SAP/R3 systems. From 2004 until 2019 he was leader of the nano components research group at the Austrian Institute of Technology and concentrated his research on biosensors and microfluidics for molecular diagnostics.

Since 2019 Rudolf Heer head of the research unit and since 2021 principal scientist at SAL.

Re­search Foci

  • Deve­lop­ment of the entire sensor readout, data process­ing and data presen­ta­tion system along the value chain
  • Self-refe­ren­cing and self-cali­bra­ting sensor systems
  • Life­time, aging and relia­bi­lity testing of sensors and readout circuits

Re­search Compe­ten­cies

  • Realiza­tion of elec­tronic readout circuits for cust­o­mized sensors
  • Opti­mi­zing the level of small signals with ultra-high reso­lu­tion in terms of wire­less energy and data trans­mis­sion
  • Inte­grated digital signal analysis for complex and multi­modal elec­tronic sensors and virtual sensors
  • Deve­lop­ment of proce­dures for checking the opera­ting status
  • Electrical analysis from DC to the GHz range
  • Programming and testing of new signal analysis algo­rithms using methods of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and machine learning


  • QC Physics
  • Sensors
  • Robust electronics
  • Harsh einvironment
  • Validation
  • Testing
  • TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering


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