Dr. Jeremy Streque

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Jérémy Streque received the Ingénieur degree from École Centrale de Lille, France, and the M.S. degree from the Lille University of Science and Technology in 2007. He then received the Ph.D. degree from École Centrale de Lille in 2011, after carrying out his Ph.D. research at the Institute of Electronics, Micro-electronics, and Nanotechnology, on the topic of magnetostatic MEMS micro-actuators for tactile/haptic information display. In 2012, he joined GeorgiaTech-CNRS, Metz, France, a Joint Laboratory focused on III-Nitrides for solar cells and sensors, and then contributed to the launch of Institut Lafayette, Metz, a scientific private platform dedicated to R&D project on optoelectronics, till 2016. From 2017 to 2019, He has been a post-doctoral researcher at Institut Jean Lamour, Nancy, studying emerging piezoelectric materials and developing SAW sensors for high temperature applications. He finally joined Silicon Austria Labs in September 2019, as a Senior Process Engineer. He is currently Senior Scientist in the Piezoelectric Microsystem Technologies (PMT) Research Unit, within the Microsystems Division. His current areas of research are SAW / BAW structures for telecommunications, based on nitride piezoelectric materials.



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